Who we are

Mission, Vision and Values

CARRIS mission is the rendering service of public transport for urban surface vehicles, oriented by Sustainability criteria, contributing to a development that attends present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


CARRIS assumes, conscientiously, its responsability as an economical and social agent that acts on urban mobility domain, contributing to the development and sustentability of Lisbon and its metropolitan area, adjusting its activity to the market needs, optimizing resources use in order to increase the company's efficiency and to improve their service quality.


Our values represent the attitude with which we define our vision and achieve our mission.

Based particularly on efficient performance and the provision of a convenient, regular transport service.

Provision of a service that meets the needs and expectations of customers, thus contributing to sustainable mobility.

Constant search for and sharing of new solutions to meet the daily challenges faced by transport services, fostering an innovative spirit and individual initiative in the definition of new work methods, and approaches and methodologies to help boost productivity.

Effective performance with high levels of professionalism and skill, taking responsibility for decisions, individually and at organisational level, and delivering on commitments to our Customers, Employees and other Stakeholders.

Contribution to sustainable mobility, engaging in our activities without compromising the future and continuously improving the service, respecting society and the environment, while also focusing on economic sustainability.

Organization chart
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Dr. Pedro Gonçalo de Brito Aleixo Bogas | CV >>


Dr.ª Ana Cristina Pereira Coelho | CV >>


Eng.ª Maria de Albuquerque Rodrigues da Silva Lopes Duarte | CV >>

Non-executive Member

Arq. Fernando Pedro Peniche de Sousa Moutinho | CV >>

Chairman Rita Soares Cruz

Vowel Miguel Saldanha Alvim

Vowel Mónica Sabrosa

Alternate Vowel Nuno Pombo

Chairman Filipe Miguel dos Santos Pacheco

Vice-Chairman Paulo Jorge Espírito Santo Caldas

Secretary José Miguel Rosado Pereira Bibe

Statutory Auditor BDO & Associados, SROC, Lda.   

Affiliated companies


Company Trade Name: Carristur – Inovação em Transportes Urbanos e Regionais, Sociedade Unipessoal, Lda
Capital: 100% held by Carris – Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, SA
Start of activity: 1998
Business branch: Urban tourism
Company specializing in tourist mobility at the national level.



Company Trade Name: Carrisbus – Manutenção, Reparação e Transportes, S.A.
Capital: 100% held by CARRIS – Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, SA
Start of activity: 2005
Business branch: Maintenance and repair of heavy-duty passenger vehicles and tramway cars.



Company Trade name: Publicarris - Publicidade na Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa, S.A. 

Capital: 45 % held by Carris S.A and 55% owned by MOP – Media Outdoor Portugal
Start of activity: 1993
Business branch: Advertising management in CARRIS’s media and spaces. 
Learn more about Publicarris at the following contacts:
211 141 700
Edifício Prime - Av. da Quinta Grande, 53-3º A
Alfragide 2610-156 Amadora


Company Trade Name: OPT, Optimização e Planeamento de Transportes, S.A.
Capital: 7% held by Carris S.A
Start of activity: 1992
Business branch:  Operational management in urban public transport.
Company specialising in advanced IT solutions for management and optimisation of transport systems and automated information systems for public use.
Entities to which we associate

ADERSIT - Portuguese Association for the Development of Integrated Transport Systems

AIP/CCI – Associação Industrial Portuguesa /  Chamber of Commerce and Industry

APCE – Portuguese Association of Business Communication

APMI - Associação Portuguesa de Manutenção Industrial

APQ – Portuguese Association for Quality

Associação dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Lisboa

Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Algés

BCSD - Business Council for Sustainable Development

CEEP Portugal - European Centre for Enterprises with Public Participation and/or General Economic Interest

COST/BHLS - Cooperation in Field of Scientific and Technologic Research / Buses with High Level of Service

COTEC - Business Association for Innovation

GRACE – Responsible Companies

IBBG – International Bus Benchmarking Group

IPQ – Portuguese Quality Institute

ISQ – Institute of Welding and Quality

ITS Portugal – Portuguese Association Promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems and Services

LISBOA E-NOVA – Municipal Agency for Energy and Environment

MMG - Major Metropolises Group

PRP - Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa

RSO'pt - Social Responsibility of Organizations and Sustainability

UITP – International Union of Public Transport