
All the feedback we receive from our customers, whether positive or negative, is seen as an opportunity to improve our service. You can make your complaint through one of the channels indicated.



  • Reception Area at CARRIS Stations

  • CARRIS shops

  • CARRIS kiosks

  • Online

Send a letter addressed to our Complaints Service.

Address: Alameda António Sérgio, N.º 62, 2795-221 Linda-a-Velha.

Send an e-mail to with the following information:

Subject: write the subject of the complaint

Body of the e-mail: write your name and surname and give a description of your complaint

Dispute Case

In the event of a dispute, the customer (consumer) may resort to an Alternative Resolution Entity for Consumer Disputes:

Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
Rua dos Douradores, nº 116 - 2nd 1100 - 207 Lisbon
e-mail: or
Tel: 218 80 70 30

Legal scope:
Lei nº 144/2015, de 8 de setembro (Art. 2º, nº 1 – Art. 18º, nº 1 e 2)


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